Re-process with different settings
Bastien Leblanc
If I recorded, I can "reprocess" but I would like to change settings. Typical use cases are:
- I recorded in the wrong category (meetings instead of notes)
- the app crashed, I want to re-run with a different settings/models
- not happy with the results, I want to re-prompt / change the models
Zack Nolette
You can do this today although as AS mentioned it is clunky: go to history → right-click the recording → "Process again" → use your "Change mode" keyboard shortcut (for me it's ⌥⇧K) → select the new mode.
Upvoting this. And if we hit a shortcut (let’s say CMD + R) after the recording to initiate the reprocessing that would be great.
I believe currently we need to go to recording history, which is a slower/clunkier process.